Skylark Aviation school

Skylark Aviation school has tied up with our partners with world renowned ATO SIM facilities known for long trusted track record of delivering quality training to our cadets as per the EASA and DGCA requirements.

Our training is as per the DGCA CAR,Sec 7,Series B, Part XIX, issue II,Effective 01st Oct,2016.

We have successfully Trained around 200 cadets in the past One year in 2021-2022 at our ATO SIM centres worldwide at London, Lithuania, Prague, Vietnam, Italy and Spain.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) specifies the international personnel licensing requirements, as documented in Annex 1 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

Which aircraft require a type rating is decided by each country's civil aviation authority, in accordance with specifications outlined by ICAO.

ICAO stipulates that:

Type Ratings should be established for aircraft with minimum crew of at least two pilots or when considered necessary by the Licensing Authority The applicant for a Type Rating must demonstrate the degree of skill required - including all normal flight procedures, emergency procedures, instrument procedures (where applicable) as well as upset prevention and recovery.

Skylark Aviation school

Skylark Aviation school has tied up with our partners with world renowned ATO SIM facilities known for long trusted track record of delivering quality training to our cadets as per the EASA and DGCA requirements.

EASA & DGCA approved training facility; Senior Airline Pilot Instructors (SFI, TRI & TRE).

Simulator: EASA approved, State of the art 700XR UPRT - PBN Level D Full Flight simulator

Part owned, managed and run by Senior Wide Body Indian TRE based at the facility

Training includes MCC (Multi Crew Cooperation), JIT (Jet Induction Training) & UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training)
Type Rating study package provided prior to the commencement of training
110+ hours Ground school comprising of CBT and Instructor led sessions followed by Type Examination conducted at the end of Ground school
MCC - JIT: 5 Fixed Base Sessions (FBS) 20 Hours
Simulator Training: 8 Full Flight Sessions (FFS) 32 Hours
Simulator Training: 1 Full Flight Session - LOFT (FFS) 4 Hours
Checks: IR-PPC + Skill Test (CA 40 Day-Night): 2 Full Flight Session (FFS) 8 Hours

ICAO stipulates that:

Type Ratings should be established for aircraft with minimum crew of at least two pilots or when considered necessary by the Licensing Authority The applicant for a Type Rating must demonstrate the degree of skill required - including all normal flight procedures, emergency procedures, instrument procedures (where applicable) as well as upset prevention and recovery.